Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pancakes Too !

I tried a new Protein Pancake recipe today after reading Tina's Blog : http://reinventingme2.blogspot.com/

I wanted a pure Protein Pancake minimal carbs.

Butter Milk Protein Pancake
(not really)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 egg white
1T of fat free sour cream
water for batter consistency
pinch of baking powder

I cooked up one big pancake, and then I mashed up a whole boiled egg and spread that on top , and then

I guess I'll have to post recipe pics and nutrition info later :P

My Journal at Muscle and Fitness Hers Forums has been quite active lately :P

yeahh. . . usually me not posting means I am up to no good, or I am too busy . . usually more of up to no good tho ;)

then I get determined and focused then I wanna post like 3 times in 5 minutes

so thought I better be fair and share some of the love over here LOL


  1. Thanks for the link :) LOL!!!!!!! Oh I have to try them without the oats :) Trying to add carbs back in for a while then I think I'm going to cycle. I'm sick so I think I need some carbs too otherwise I seriously have nothing in me to move :) Good to see you are up to some good :)

  2. LOL you could have left a bit for the picture!!!!!

  3. ha ha ya that was pretty funny, I was eating as I typed the blog, I was goin' for a half eaten picture, but got carried away lol!
