Friday, October 1, 2010

New Neighbor!!

Meet Rico!!

Hi, my name RrrrrrrICO! We be friends!

This past week we have had new neighbors move in and they seem like great people!! Very happy about that . . let's just say the last neighbors were not so nice . . .
They have 3 young boys and our kids get along great, including our furry babies LOL! I was delighted to see they had a YORKIE!! He is adorable and I love him like my own! He is so CUTE and I LOOOVE his tail!! He is so friendly and happy and gets along great with my dogs.

Hi! . .sniff. . what's . . sniff . .your . . sniff .. name? . . sniff
The dogs are constantly back and forth between the yards
(the fence is all but falling apart . .to be replaced next spring $$$)
Rico even comes in our house and runs around and chills out with my dogs, they share food, steal toys from each others yard etc. It is so hilarious!
Rico has a little bell on his collar. Yesterday we were eating dinner and my dogs were on the couch and we here *jingle jingle jingle* both my dogs perk right up and want to go outside and play. Then Rico appears at the sliding patio door , peeks in the window, perks up his ears as if to say " HI! can Tucker and Wally come out to play?"
Rico chillin' on my couch.
Look at those huge furry ears LOL!

Seriously! He could fly with those things . .so cute!

He looks like a cartoon, or bobble head, or stuffed toy. He makes me chuckle.

I feel like we have adopted a 3rd dog. He is quite the little character and my dogs also love the neighbor boys too. They get all excited when they get home form school and they run out to the back yard to meet them.
I think it is so wonderful :)

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