Well you see can by a few changes I have made to my blog that I got the sponsorship!
COOOL is that!? I am so honoured to have even been considered , to have even been OFFERED a sponsorship, but to actually be part of the team, a BWX Sports sponsored athlete WOW!
This is bigger than I could have imagined. My supplements will be here next week, I will
have a couple new shirts to work out in. There is mention of trips. appearances, booth work! WOW!
So many
details yet to come!!
If you would have told me 5 years ago, heck even 2 years ago , if I would be where I am now . . . I wouldn't
believe it it would be this big! Start living the life you want and everything else will fall in line.
So many people expect so much to happen when they reach their weight loss goal they feel that once they have that body that means then THEN they are living the life of a fit person. Live the life of a fit person NOW, and the body and all your dreams will follow!
My newest client wants to compete in June . . she may feel her body is a long way off, that she has to lose the weight before she can train for a competition. I told her last night after she totally kicked butt in her workout pushed so hard I thought her eyes were gonna fly out . .I said.
"YOU ARE TRAINING LIKE A FIGURE GIRL." You are doing it right now! You are eating like a competitor, your are training like a competitor . .the goal is right now! You are doing exactly what I do when I am 12 weeks out from a competition or I want to tighten things up in my off season. Her eyes got so big, and I saw her heart open up to a world of
possibility that she thought was still out of her reach.
Where the mind goes the body follows. See clearly what "will be" in your mind and live it like it is NOW !
I love where my body has gone the past few years . . but more so . . .I love the mental maturity I have gained I have made huge progress there!