Program Information
Your personal training is centered around you
and your unique body, metabolism, abilities,
fitness level, and emotional support needs.
I find great satisfaction in helping clients succeed and take their bodies to places they never thought possible.
I can see your potential and I want you to achieve it !
Weight Training Programs are for a 12 week period and will take into account the equipment you have available. Will try to work around your schedule and time available to train. Designed to sculpt your body according to your concerns about areas you want to build up or trim down. Exercises will be changed or modified every 3-6 weeks according to your individual needs and depending on how your body responds.
Customized Nutritional Programs run for 12 weeks and will be progressive and take into account your current eating habits, your current weight , body composition , lean body mass and your fitness goals and what you would like to achieve. Assistance is also available via email, or phone to answer your questions and lend support anytime that you need it .
Nutrition Programs also include supplement recommendations and schedule of when to take them. Natural supplements such as Protein Powders, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Digestive Enzymes, Essential Fatty Acids, Anti Oxidants etc can improve your training capacity, endurance, and energy, as well as your recovery time, immune system , and digestion.
12 Week Competition Prep involves figure assessment, close monitoring of your progress. Graduated diet changes according to your progress. "Peak week" dieting, and coaching throughout the day of your show. Coaching for your posing , suit choice, make-up, hair , shoes, tan and everything you need leading up to your competition.
Please Contact me today for more information and ask me any questions regarding any of these programs
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer